Duck Shit Dancong (Ya Shi Xiang) | oolong thee


鸭屎香: highly aromatic, floral, notes of longan and honey orchid

Duck Shit Dancong, also known as Ya Shi Xiang, hails from the Phoenix Mountain region in Guangdong Province, also categorized as a variety of Phoenix (Feng Huang) Dancong. This tea type stands as a prominent representative of Guangdong Oolongs, produced in Wudong, Phoenix Mountain, Chaozhou City. The environment of Phoenix Mountain is characterized by its warm and humid climate, receiving plentiful rainfall, boasting fertile soil, and maintaining an average annual temperature of around 20°C. The soil here is naturally rich in organic matter and a variety of trace elements, which are very conducive to the development of tea trees and the formation of tea polyphenols and aromatic substances. Our carefully selected Dancong teas are cultivated on mountain slopes at an altitude of about 1,000 meters. The Duck Shit Dancong variety that we have chosen exhibits a unique and enduring aroma reminiscent of longan and honey orchids, with its notes interwoven in a captivating and intricate flavor profile.

The name of Duck Shit Dancong, as you can see, is eyebrow-raising (NOTE: the tea has NOTHING to do with either “duck” or “shit”). According to the legend, a farmer happened to discover an exceptional tea tree variety. Recognizing its remarkable quality, he sought to keep it a secret and prevent others from copying his cultivation methods. To deter potential tea thieves, he cleverly advertised his plant as “duck shit” to neighboring farmers, and so it is. 

When brewed, the infused leaves and the resulting amber-yellow liquor give off a savory fragrance of flower and fruits, intertwining with the inherent herbal essence of the tea leaves. Surprisingly, the taste of the tea is neither overly floral nor fruity. Instead, as the liquid touches your palate, it imparts an initial smoky robustness, which is followed by a complexity of flavors reminiscent of longan and honey orchids, gradually revealing their intricacies and richness on your taste buds.

Vintage: 2022

Stijl: Fenghuan Dancong

Cultivar: Ya Shi Xiang

Elevation: 950m

Tea farm location: Phoenix Mountain, Wudong

Notwithstanding its eyebrow-raising name, Duck Shit Dancong has distinct and durable floral aroma provides ample justification for its status as the ‘perfume’ among teas.

Phoenix (Feng Huang) Dancong is the main representative of Guangdong Oolong from the four big Oolong, produced in Wudong, Phoenix Mountain, Chaozhou City. Phoenix Mountain has a warm and humid climate, abundant rain, fertile land, and an average annual temperature of about 20°C. The soil is rich in natural organic matter and a variety of trace elements, which are very conducive to the development of tea trees and the formation of tea polyphenols and aromatic substances. Our selection of Dancong teas are grown in mountain areas at an altitude of about 1,000 metres.

Duck Shit Dancong (Ya Shi Xiang) is the most sought-after type of Phoenix Dancong. Notwithstanding its eyebrow-raising name, its distinct and durable floral aroma provides ample justification for its status as the ‘perfume’ among teas. About that most curious name: once upon a time, a farmer happened to stumble on this most remarkable tea tree species. Immediately recognizing its exceptional quality, he wanted to claim it exclusively. As the story goes, he advertised his cultivation as ‘duck shit’ to neighbouring farmers, in the hope of dissuading them from stealing it.

highly aromatic fragrance
mellow and mild taste
bittersweet aftertaste

suggested teaware: teapot / gaiwan,
method: 5g tea in 110ml/100°C water (could be brewed for 7-10 times)
brewing time:
the 1st-3rd time: 5s
the 4th-10th time: 10s

Het productieproces van oolong thee wordt meestal beschouwd als het meest ingewikkelde van alle theesoorten. Na de oogst wordt de thee in de zon verdord om te beginnen met oxideren. De volgende stap in het proces is het 'kneuzen', een proces dat gericht is op het verder verminderen van het vocht en de grassigheid. Zodra dit proces is voltooid, schudden de theeboeren de bladeren in een rotan mand en oefenen ze druk uit met hun handen om de oxidatie te verspreiden en te versnellen. Na dit schudden zijn de theeblaadjes groen in het midden en rood aan de rand. In het voorlaatste stadium wordt de oolong thee verwarmd om de enzymen in de bladeren te reduceren en de oxidatie te stoppen. Tot slot worden de blaadjes in de gewenste vorm gerold en langzaam gebakken tot afgewerkte thee.

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