Da Hong Pao (Big Red Robe) Shi Zi Feng| oolong thee


狮子峰大红袍: caramel, woody and ripe fruit fragrance, mellow, deep and roasted taste, long-lasting sweet and slightly dry aftertaste

Tea farm location: Shi Zi Feng (Lion Peak), Zhengyan, Wuyishan

Theemeester: Mr. Lin

The Da Hong Pao from the Lion Peak Mountain area boasts exceptional quality, maximizing its rich fragrance with hints of orchid, long-lasting aroma, and distinct "rock rhyme". The traditional roasting method enhances Da Hong Pao's unique woody charcoal and fruity fragrances. The leaves are tightly knitted and greenish-brown in color; the flavor is mellow, rich, and robust; the liquor is a bright apricot yellow; the spent leaves exhibit a red rim around green leaves.

Da Hong Pao is the representative ‘rock tea’ grown in the Wuyi Mountains of Fujian Province. The family name is a testament both to the mountainous soil on which the tea takes root, and to the rich minerals that foster the development of its characteristic ‘rocky’ taste.

Da Hong Pao may remind you of a mellow fireplace piled with wood. After brewing, the tea acquires a gorgeous orange-yellow colour. It is great for winter months to warm up your body, as well as your heart and soul. The brewing process can be a bit of a challenge for beginners, but once you get a feel for it, you will find that the aroma, taste, and aftertaste are totally worth the effort. Opting for a cold brew will reduce the smokiness and bring out the tender sweet aftertaste all the more clearly.

geur van karamel, hout en rijp fruit
zachte, diepe en geroosterde smaak
langdurige zoete nasmaak

aanbevolen theeservies: theepot / gaiwan
methode: 5g thee in 110ml/100°C water (kan 7-10 keer gezet worden)
de 1e-2e keer: 10s
de 3e-8e keer: 15s, +15s per extra keer

Handgeplukte theebladeren worden in de zon verdord en gedroogd in de winderige lucht. Voor de oxidatie worden de bladeren naar binnen gebracht om af te koelen. Vervolgens wordt de thee op een bamboezeef gelegd en omgedraaid om geoxideerd te worden. In dit stadium tonen de Da Hong Pao hun ware vakmanschap. Daarna frituren ze de theeblaadjes op ongeveer 150°C en rollen ze in een koordvorm. In het laatste stadium wordt de thee zwaar geroosterd boven een houtskoolvuur, wat zijn intense donkere kleur verklaart. Nog belangrijker is dat dit proces de glucose in de bladeren doet karamelliseren en het kenmerkende aroma van de thee vrijgeeft.

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