2023 Eerste spoeling Hooggebergte Yunwu | groene thee


明前高山云雾: grassy and vegetal fragrance, smooth, slightly nutty, and sweet umami taste, delicate and tender aftertaste

Tea farm location: Baiyun Mountain, Hunan.

A lesser-known name from a lesser-known tea production area, but one of the best value for the price. We found this tea garden through our network and gave it a try, and we love it! 

Ming Qian means harvested before Qing Ming Festival and the rainy spring season (4th April on the Lunar calendar). After a long winter, the tea tree rests and grows slowly, yielding leaves with more umami and sweetness. The buds and leaves of the tea picked during this time will be relatively tender, giving it all the qualities you would ask for for a green tea: umami, fresh, sweet after taste.

grasachtige en plantaardige geur
zachte, licht nootachtige en zoete umami smaak
delicate en zachte nasmaak

aanbevolen theeservies: elk glas theeservies
methode: 3g thee in 250ml/85°C (kan 2-3 keer gezet worden)
trektijd: 3min

Na de oogst worden de bladeren ongeveer een halve dag gedroogd om hun rauwe grassige smaak te verminderen en om de hoeveelheid vocht te verminderen voordat de boeren ze verzamelen om ze voorzichtig in de pan te bakken.

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